Memorial Candles

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Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Dad
I think of you as a baby, how clever you were even then, in the things you could do even before you could talk or walk. I think of you as you were at all times of your life, as a toddler, as a little girl and as you grew up. I dream of you often.

Love Dad
Added: April 15, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Claire
From: Angela's Sister
Miss you so much.
Love you Spange
Added: April 12, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Margaret- Debbie's mum
From: Manchester
Special thoughts for Frances and Mike tonight. Thank you so much for visiting our daughter Debbie and leaving a message. We appreciate your friendship more than words can express. As always take care and be kind to yourselves. God Bless you both
Love and Hugs Margaret
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for Angela xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Added: April 5, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Deborah
From: Old Ursuline friend
I think I only saw Angela once or twice since leaving the Ursuline 30 years ago but with my parents being friends with Frances & Mike I was kept up to date with her news. The thing that I will remember most about her was her amazing talent for art and drawing. My scribbles looked so childish next to her masterpieces. She was truly gifted in that area. 5 years has gone by so quickly but her family obviously still miss her very much.
Added: April 3, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Martina's Mum & g to Jessica,
From: Kent
Dear Frances and Michael,Thinking about you and your lovely Angela,Sending love to you all, love Jo
Added: March 25, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Callum's mum
From: TCF
Lighting a candle for you Angela and also thinking about your family xxx
Added: March 22, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Frances Speakman
From: HOME
Darling Angela

Lighting this candle tonight for you, may it shine brightly with all our love xxx

Miss you so much sweetheart...

Loads of love & kisses

Mum xxxxxxxxxxx
Added: March 10, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Ptgl Pat
From: TCF
Just read up on Angela - although I feel I know so much about her already.

Mike & Frances, what can we say, the anniversaries are hard but then so are most days - always something there to remind us, eh? Sadly, this too won't pass.

Wish you love and strength XXX
Added: March 4, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: elma mcgoldrick
From: london
Belated Happy Anniversary Angela.
Love to Frances and Mike and family.
What a lovely tribute site!!
From Elma (Andrew's mum) TCF
Added: February 29, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Balvinder Arjan's mum TCF
From: Leeds
Lighting this candle for Angela, such a sad loss.
A lovely tribute to your daughter. Thinking of you and your family.
Added: February 29, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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