Memorial Candles

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Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mum & Dad
Lighting this candle for our beautiful Angela with so much love xxx
Added: February 17, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Val (Allan's Mum) TCF
Lighting a candle for Angela, a girl who's truly beautiful in every sense of the word.

And sending love to Francis and Mike, I know your pain so well.

Val x
Added: October 31, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Anke Sikken
From: Holland
We sat on the bench in picardie and I wrote down your daughters name to find her and I did. I love te light a candle for her but I think she's already a lovely light in heaven and has forever a watm memory in your hearts.
Anke (Holland)
Added: October 15, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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