Memorial Candles

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Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Howard Squires
From: Reading
I have many happy memories of going up as a neighbour of Frances Speakman (then Turner)and her sisters Jo & Christine and brother John. Frances and Jo were like older sisters to me and we all had an idealistic childhood in our little close in Wensleydale Avenue.
Unfortunately I never had the privilege of meeting Angela but this web-site shows what a special person she was and how much she is missed.
Added: August 14, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Pete Willock
From: The Lads From Solihull
To Dear Angela, who we never met, but has touched us so deeply, because of her wonderful parents, Mike & Frances who we only meet once a year.

Friendships are hard to define, but Mike & Frances have been so integeral to that moment of spotting them on the 1st of July at Thiepval'

And when your your Mom & Ded weren't there, a void opened. We Missed them. Because they're Special

And now after the years when you first told us of your terrible loss, I am able to share your wonderful daughter's life.

God Bless. Angela.
Added: July 31, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Linda Brown
From: Peterborough
Angela, while I never really knew you, I feel having lost David so suddenly, I have come to know you through sharing this sad experience with you parents. I attended my first memorial service for David this year, and I hope you could both see the candles I lit for you. God Bless. Linda and family xxx
Added: July 13, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Simon Green
From: London
I met Angela's parents at the memorial service to the fallen of the Somme held at La Boiselle on July 1st. I had seen the bench dedicated to Angela's memory the day before and sat on it to look out across a foreign field and have a moment's peace. I saw the inscription and wondered who this young girl was and how she died. When I met Micheal and Frances a day later I knew who they were. I had overheard them mention their daughter and made the connection. Lovely people. Frances spoke about Angela with such pride and an astonishing understanding rather than acceptance of her tragedy. It was touching. Micheal was aloof and quiet. But his silence said so much. I have three daughters. I cannot imagine the pain they have gone through. It was a privilege to meet you both. I wish I had known your daughter.
Added: July 5, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: MUM & DAD
From: Home
Dad & I have been to the Thanksgiving & Remembrance Service this evening and lit candles for you and David..It was hard..they played all the hymns and same music we had for you! sending you all our love and a million kisses to our beautiful girl xx

missing you so much....
Added: June 25, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Claire (Angela's sister)
From: Kent
Summertime again Angela.
Think of you every day.
Added: June 5, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Margaret- Debbie's mum
From: Manchester
I drove through Didsbury again this weekend and it always brings back thoughts of Angela. Never met your darling angel but have learnt about her incredible life through your TCF Forum messages and e-mails.Lighting a candle for Angela tonight.
Love and hugs as always
Added: May 27, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Jane Joel's Mum
From: TCF
Frances and Mike. Your love for Angela shines out from this site. What a beautiful women she is.
Added: May 16, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: MUM...
From: Family Home
Our beautiful Angela...

Missing you so much, still loving you as much, you were such a shining bright light in our lives and of so many others..

Always in our thoughts, night Angela xxxxxxxxx
Added: May 2, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Colleen and Bob
To celebrate the life and happy memories of your wonderful daughter
Added: April 24, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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