Memorial Candles

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Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Claire
Here we are again, my dear sis, another of your birthdays without you. Sent a lantern up to you tonight with love and kisses.
Claire xxxx
Added: October 31, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Claire
Here we are again, my dear sis, another of your birthdays without you. Sent a lantern up to you tonight with love and kisses.
Claire xxxx
Added: October 31, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Claire
Here we are again, my dear sis, another of your birthdays without you. Sent a lantern up to you tonight with love and kisses.
Claire xxxx
Added: October 31, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Jo
From: Kent
Thinking of you today beautiful Angela sending love to you and your dear family XXXXXX
Added: October 31, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Claire
Here we are again, my dear sis, another of your birthdays without you. Sent a lantern up to you tonight with love and kisses.
Claire xxxx
Added: October 31, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: mum
From: Home...
always in our thoughts Angela..
missing you so much
loads of love and kisses xxxxxx
Added: July 26, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: yvonne
From: Reading
Sitting here tonight, thinking of you Angela and all you should have been. Feeling a sadness for your lovely family but a sense of peace that you were loved so much and are still xx
Added: February 28, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mum & Dad
Oh Angela...How can it be 11 years since that tragic day, loving and missing you so much, it all still seems totally and very unreal...

After laying lots of flowers for you we then went to Tracy's grave with Iris.. we all stood there unbelieving, that both of you now rest nearly together! Best childhood Friends, close teenage friends, wonderful 'grown up' friends all your lives and here now in a cemetery!!!

Sending you darling a million hugs, kisses and so much love xxxxxx
Added: February 28, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Julia
Another year of missing you xxxxx
Added: February 28, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Claire
Still missing you Sis. Been to the cemetery today with Mum, Dad, Jo and Iris to put some flowers for you.xx
Added: February 28, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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