Memorial Candles

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Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Claire
Had a dream with you in it last night. I knew in the dream something was wrong, and what it was, but I couldn't say it as I knew it make you disappear. It was lovely to hold your hand again, even if it was only in my dream.
Added: May 16, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Claire
Went to your favourite place at Easter, Lyme Regis. Was so lovely, thought of you the whole time xx
Added: April 19, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Lynn and vin Felstead
From: West Yorkshire
Thinking of you all today x x
Added: March 6, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Auntie Jo
From: Walthamstow
Sorry, I couldn't be at the cemetery today, but I've been thinking of you. Still miss you and your wonderful sense of justice for humanity and all living creatures.
God bless you Angela xxxx

Auntie Jo
Added: February 28, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Iris and Alf
From: Swindon
We didn't meet you Angela, but feel we know you and wish we had. You certainly lit up the lives of a lot of people. x x
Added: February 28, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: yvonne
From: Reading
My thoughts are with you & your family today Angela. 12 years on and its a pleasure spending time reading about you and the impact you had on all that knew & loved you. Their loss is immeasurable.
Added: February 28, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mum & Dad
From: Home
Ah Angela another anniversary...

How can it be 12 years??

Always thinking of you darling girl and so wish you could still be with us to see and enjoy all your new nieces and nephews and life now....

You always will have a place in our lives xxx

Love you so much xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Added: February 27, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Auntie Jo
From: Walthamstow
Happy Birthday Angela,
We remembered your special day with lots of lovely
flowers and a big Halloween pumpkin balloon.

Lots of Love and Kisses xxxxxx
Added: October 31, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mum and Dad
From: Home
Dearest Angela

Such a beautiful warm Halloween day today - such memories of times past...

Sending as always love, thoughts, hugs and kisses xxxxxxxx

Will be taking flowers for you and Tracy after lunch then back home for the 'Angela cake'..
God bless.....
Added: October 31, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Candle Submitted by Comments:
Name: yvonne
Happy birthday Angela, love to you & your family today
Added: October 31, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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