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Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mark Sessions
From: Galway, Ireland
I came upon this memorial site by chance a few days ago and feel compelled to express my sympathy.
I didn t know Angela particularly well as I only saw her from time to time back in the mid eighties, but it was always a nice surprise to see her, as she was good company, very pleasant, funny and interesting.
The last time I remember seeing her was in 1987 at Tracy Tighe -house in Redbridge, just a small gathering chatting and listening to music, etc.

I recently passed a guy collecting for€šÂ¬Ã‹Å“The Asthma Society of Ireland at a shopping centre entrance, I didn t donate though as I tend to look out for charities that have a personal relevance.
Three days later I stumbled upon Angela -memorial site. I was stunned, but reading the words€šÂ¬Ã‹Å“Asthma attack gave me an awful shock and an image instantly formed in my minds eye of the charity collector from three days earlier.

I now know that Angela will regularly come to mind, as so often we see or hear something, perhaps a specific song (or charity collecting), which sparks a memory of someone.

Best regards and wishes to your family,

Added: January 21, 2012 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: mum xxx
Darling Angela..

Another Christmas nearly over..another without you..Another new year in a few days.. Oh how did we not know that that 9 years ago that would be the last Christmas we would ever see you again!!!
The last kiss, the last hug, the last wave goodby as you drove back to Manchester..

Always in our thoughts, so loved and so very missed our beautiful, talented, lovely Angela xx

Night, night sweetheart xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Added: December 26, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Birthday Messages for Angela
From: Everywhere

Sending you lots of love today Frances and Mike on Angela's birthday. Our candle will be lit this evening. Xxxxx Paula

Thinking of you all today. Lots of love to you x Becki

Muriel Vogelsang sending you hugs for yesterday

A "Beautiful pic of a Beautiful Person " XX Maggie Hancock

Thinking of you all on Angela -birthday. take care xx
Caroline Lumby

Sending you a hug ((((((( ))))))) xx Janis McCafferty

Happy birthday to Angela today... and huge hugs for you, Frances, and to Mike, ; Angela's sisters. Thinking of you all. I hope all your precious memories of your beautiful girl will help to get you through the day. Lots of love. Xxxxx Louise Bolton

Drusilla Sutherland Thinking of you and Mike. Xxx

Katie Taylor-Smith Thinking of you both and sending you all our love xx

Andrea Corrie Thinking of you all today Frances, take it gently and remember all those lovely times with Angela xxxxxx

Alison Bratton thinking of you and all your family today on Angelas birthday ..happy birthday Angela ..x

Paula Binni Thinking of you all today. Xx

Maureen Cooper With all our love Frances, Mike and family on your beautiful Angela's birthday today...precious memories of our precious loved ones will stay with us forever.. Maureen, Phil and family xxxxxxx

Laura Buckley Sending you all our love and thinking of you all, xx

Jill Dewsbury Birthday blessings for Angela and her loving family xxx

Carole Lauderdale My thoughts are with you on this special day xxx

Dorothy Wright Frances, my thoughts are with you and your family on this day ,Angela's birthday

Sue Hepburn thinking of you today on angelas birthday xx

Frances Martin Thinking of you both today on Angela's birthday xxxx

Christine Wells Thinking of you both on Angela's birthday. xx

Thin White Rachelle Thinking of your family, memories stay on will Angela, love, Rachelle xxx

Shaun Hewitt I'm thinking of you today Frances and Mike x

Christine Crawford Thinking of you today on Angela's birthday. Happy Birthday Angela.

Bridget Eley Thinking of you all today Frances and Mike - happy Halloween birthday Angela - our candle will be lit tonight xx

Juli Round Happy Birthday Angela xxx thinking of you Frances ; Mike xxx

David John Bamford Thinking of you and Mike at this time x

Lynn Kelly Sending love and hugs to you both, a special Halloween candle is lit for your beautiful Angela's birthday xxx

Hilary Goldsmith Thinking of you all x

Frances ; Mike sending you our love as Angela's Birthday comes around. Thinking of you with understanding and compassion xxxx Jackie Butcher

Dearest Frances and Mike - just rang my sister to wish her Happy Birthday in New Zealand which reminded me of Angela who shares the same birthday. I will be in disarray tomorrow with the removals people, so sending you big hugs now!! Grere ; Steve

Thinking of you Frances and Mike and your beautiful Angela, a lovely photograph
Roseanne xx
That is such an amazing photo x Jannet Mathers

Dear Frances and Mike
Just to say I am thinking of you ,your beautiful Angela and sending rainbows to you xxx Carolyn Mayling

Frances ; Mike . You are both in my thoughts , I know how tough tomorrow is As well as the lead up to the day itself . Much love to both of you ; to Angela. Xxx

Thinking of you both today and sending a hug ((((( ))))) xx Janice

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Frances )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Don

Fran and Mike our thoughts are with you on Angelas birthday ♥ Elaine ; Mick

Dear Frances and Mike, sending love and compassion for tomorrow but also holding you close to our hearts today. Remembering your dear Angela with love... Jacki ; Ed

Thinking of you both this weekend. Xxx Ruth Clark

Maria NicholasThinking of you and Mike on Angela's birthday. With love xxx

Frances MartinThinking of you both on Angela's birthday. With love Fran

Yvonne Stamplove to you ; Mike today on Angela's birthday xxx

Donald Plant‎(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Frances )))))))))))))))))))))))))) on Angela's special day.......xx

Maria WindowThinking of you, Mike and Angela today,xxxx

Jo ThomasDear Frances and Mike,thinking of you both today on dearest Angela's birthday .Love to you both xxxxJo

Maria Prior Such a gorgeous talented young women,such a great loss to you all,sending love and hugs on your beautiful Angela's Birthday. xxx

Remembering Angela the Halloween girl on this her birthday.

And the lovely lady who remembers everyone else ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Frances )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

xx Don

Frances, will be thinking about you and your family today on Angela's birthday, take care, Love Jayne x

frances +mike
thinking of you today on Angelas birthday xx

Frances ; Mike

Remembering your precious Angela on her birthday. A candle will be lit for her tonight alongside Matt's.

Sorry too for everyone I have missed whilst i've been away.

Love Megxx

Will be in touch during November. Am away for Angela's birthday on the 31st but you, Mike and family will be in my thoughts on Monday..................with love to you all.

Maureen (Amber's Mum)

Remembering Angela on her Halloween Birthday and Frances ; Mike

Dear Frances and Mike
Thinking of you and your precious Angela on her birthday.
Much love

Remembering Angela on her Halloween birthday today. Love and hugs to Frances and Mike,

Jane xx

Dear Frances. Lots of love on beautiful Angela's birthday. Thinking of you and your family.
Bernie xxxx

Just here in time
Frances love to all your family on this difficult day

I hope you had a peaceful day yesterday on Angela's birthday. Thinking of you.
Helene x

Dear Mike and Frances,
Thinking of you today on Angela's birthday.I will light a candle tonight.
Sending warmest wishes on this difficult day.
Alison Cooper xx

Dearest Frances and Mike, I'm so very sorry I didn't leave a message for Angela yesterday. I'm busy packing my house up for extensive renovations and I think it was after midnight before I got online at all.
But you and your beautiful girl are often in my thoughts and I send my love to you all Val Walton xxx
Added: November 16, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: alison bratton
From: glasgow
thinking of you all today on angela.s birthday Happy Birthday Angela ..x
Added: October 31, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Karen, Alan and Katy.
Hope you are all well. Thinking of you today especially - the stars will be shining extra bright tonight for Angela. Love from Karen, Alan and Katy xxx.
Added: October 31, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Martin
From: Berkshire
This is a tremendously moving memorial website to Angela. I doubt very much you remember me but we met one time as medical reps when Angela and I were on our new territory. It is not mentioned on the site, possibly because it was such a short period of time between Universities really, that Angela did her basic rep training with us at Kabi Pharmacia. I was in her training group.

I have recently re-established contact with a couple of the other members of, what was a very diverse but good bunch of people. Angela was the one person we couldn t locate and I tried to find her, have to say it knocked me sideways when I found her memorial site. I was also into fossils in a big way (still am) and we were good friends on the course (in typical fashion she volunteered to lead me up the M1 to Spondon where we were training from Milton Keynes as I was a new driver and hadn t been on a motorway before, we got hopelessly lost and became firm friends thereafter), anyway I lost touch with her when she met her fiancÆ’© on the course at Manchester, tho we kept in touch for a couple of years after that.

She was a simply stunning girl, a total one off and original, I can see why she would make such a big impact on so many lives across so many backgrounds. I am a dad myself now with three lovely kids of my own, so I can empathize in both ways.

I just wanted to send you a note as I knew Angela, and we had met, to say how very sad I was to see the site, and also how moved I am by your efforts to commemorate her life and help others in the same plight.

I ve often thought of Angela over the years and wondered how she was getting on so to see this was a total shock out of the blue and desperately sad, I felt compelled to write and share my memory of her with you and send you and family my deepest wishes.

Take care and my best

Added: May 26, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Cathy Rumsey
From: Norfolk
Angela's website, very moving, and your remembrance garden! What a moving tribute and beautiful, I wish we had the nursery still, would have loved to have helped you with that.

Hope you and Mike are keeping well, and the warmer spring weather will lift your spirits.
Added: April 7, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: roger
From: Ilford
Mike and Frances lovely to see you yesterday and catch up on news. Looked at the message site and its a wonderful tribute to Angela. We must now keep in contact. Here's hoping that I will be more mobile after the HIP OP. Carry on your good work on the site and W.W.1 collections.
Added: March 17, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Karen, Alan and Katy
Dear Frances, Mike and family,

Sorry we are so late in posting this message. You are always in our thoughts. Angela will never be forgotten. All our memories of her are happy ones. Wishing you all well - Karen, Alan and Katy xxx
Added: March 12, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Anniversary Messages....
From: From All over the country...
These Lovely messages were received on the 28th February 2011 on Angela's 8th Anniversary from Friends, relations and family....

Hello Frances and Mike,
How are you both? I know its another sad time for you as you remember your beloved Angela. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Reflect on all your lovely memories of Angela these coming days especially.

Love Jackie ; Wally

Dear Frances and Mike
I know you re facing another anniversary without your darling Angela. Just wanted you to know you re in my thoughts€šÂ¬ €œ hope you find strength from one another + your family.
Hope to see you during the spring€šÂ¬ €œ will be in touch and hope to get to Manor Park again.
Maureen xxxx

Jaki wrote
"Dear Frances and Mike,
Thinking of you and beautiful Angela and sending my love for tomorrow. Please, know that you are in our hearts
With all of our love,
Jaki and Ed"

Maria Window.. "Sending lots of love Ur way, xxxx"

Hi Frances,
Gary'n Paula Skinner
"sending you and Mike all our love Frances. We are thinking of you. xxx"

28 February 2011 at 06:17
Re: Hello
I will be thinking of you and your beautiful girl tomorrow. I have her picture on my special wall and will light a candle for her and for you. I hope you find your way through tomorrow x Becki ‚¬ ¦

Elaine Dennis

"Hadn t realised how like you Angela was ‎((((♥)))
thinking of you at this hard time of year xxxxxx"

Yvonne Stamp
"a stunning photo of your talented ; beautiful Angela, our love to you ; Mike for tomorrows sad anniversary xx"

Bridget wrote "Dear Frances and Mike, thinking of you as you go through another anniversary of the day you lost your beautiful Angela xxx"

Donald Plant
"..............a very, very beautiful and talented young lady."

Jackie Butcher
"Frances, Mike and all the family, thinking of you with a heavy heart on Angela's anniversary. I hope the day passes as peacefully as possible for you xxxx"

Janis McCafferty
"Thinking of you and Mike today and your beautiful daughter Angela, hope today is peaceful for you. xx"

Hi Frances,
Frances wrote "Thinking of you and Mike on this anniversary for Angela. Love to you both xxxxx"

Lynn Kelly
"Thinking of you all and sending love and hugs as we remember your beautiful Angela xxx"

Frances Martin
"Such a beautiful young lady ((((((HUGS)))))"

Roseanne wrote
"Thinking of you and Mike and your very beautiful daughter Angela xxx"

Yvonne wrote
"sending loving thoughts to you, Mike ; the family on this very sad that marks eight years without your precious Angela."

"Dear Frances and Mike..
sending loving thoughts your way, thinking of you always and your precious daughter Angela.. Love from Maureen and Phil xxxx"

"Thinking of your lovely Angela and your family today Francesxxx"
Dorothy x

Dear Frances, sending love today to you and Mike and all the family, and lighting a candle here in Peterlee for your beautiful Angela xxxxx"

"Stunning photograph Frances ; Mike of Angela .
Such a beautiful woman . Thinking of you both very much today with love and compassion . Xxxx Funda ; Ben"

Donald wrote
"With you Frances and Mike on this your day of days.........x"

Alison Bratton "thinking of you all and remembering beautiful Angela ..x"

Maggie Hancock
"((((HUGS)))) XXX"

Davina Adlem
"thinking of you and you precious Angela , have lit a candlexxxx"

Hi Frances
Just want to send you our love today and to let you know that our candle was lit last night for Angela and will burn throughout until this evening.

Grere Coutie
"Thinking of you both today Frances and Mike, as you remember Angela xxxx"

Hi Frances,
"Thinking of you all today. I remember the first time we met at my house and you shared stories of this beautiful young woman, your precious Angela... it was the second year of your loss... how those years have gone by now and still your beautiful Daughter's smile captures me. What an amazing soul and amazing parents she has. My love to you all today. So many people here are incredibly grateful they have met you both. I am one of those. xxx" Funda

Frances Martin .
"Our candle will burn for Angela today. ((((( Love to you all ))))))))))"

Maria Prior "A candle shining brightly here in Norfolk for your beautiful Angela, thinking of you all today God bless you xxx"

Russell Cook
"Thinking of you today x"

"Sending love and strength on this day. I wish the memories of your beautiful Angela light up these grey skies." Becki

Hi Frances,
"Dear Frances,
Mike and family .I have been thinking of you since early morning .I could not send a message until now .There a candle alight for your lovely ,lovely Angela ,much love to you all Jo Thomas"

Jacqui Pollock
"Thinking of you all"

Hi Frances,
"Thinking of you today, Frances and Mike. Lighting a candle. Much love Rob and Drusilla xxxx"

Hi Frances,
Juli Round "Thinking of you all xxx"

Hi Frances,
Bridget Eley "Our candle is lit for beautiful Angela tonight xxx"

Maria Nicholas
"Thinking of you all and your beautiful Angela. With love xxxxx

"You two are always so kind to everyone else. Love and peace to you both today xo"
Jenny Cooper

Hi Frances,
"Candle lit earlier, hope the day passed peacefully..... X"
Margaret Hardy

Hi Frances, .
"so sorry this is late Frances ~ I lit a candle for all our angels . sending you both belated love Bernie xxxx"

We're thinking of you all, you're in our hearts and minds. x x
Love Iris Keeble

Frances and Mike,

May your day be peaceful as you think of Angela.

How I wish this pain was not here.

Ptgl Pat

For Frances and Mike. Thinking of you with love and compassion as you face another anniversary for your beloved Angela.

Wishing you peace through this day.

Dear Frances and Mike
I m sending you both best wishes today on your beautiful Angelas anniversary ,i remember you being so kind to me when i lost my son Tony 6 yrs ago,i cant believe so many years have gone.
Love Linda

I Shall light a candle for Angela tomorrow.

Love and Hugs Nora X

Dear Mike and Frances

Have e-mailed you but know always I think of you and your darling daughter, Angela.

Eight years is nothing and how we get by I just don't know. Love to you all, but especially Angela xxx

Love Maureen xxx

To Frances, Mike and Family,

I am thinking of you and your beautiful daughter Angela today. I hope you have a peaceful day.

My love to you all

Jo X

Paul and I will be thinking of you and Mike today and lighting my special candle for Angela.

I hope you find peace,

Shaun x

To Francis Mike and family
Special thoughts for you all today and your precious daughter Angela.
love and peace Megx

Frances - I will light a candle this evening for your beautiful Angela,
love Jane x

Frances - Sending you the strength to get through tomorrow.
I am a coward about the anniversary and just try to blank it out.

For those who knew Angela, she'll never be forgotten and always alive in our hearts. God bless xxx Rachelle

Oh Dear Frances,
How lovely - she was there for you...
Sending love today, as I know it is so very hard before and all of my love and compassion to you and Mike tomorrow.
Holding you both so close to my heart,

Love to you Frances and your family. Such a tough day ahead so our thoughts with you

Thinking of you and your family today Frances.What a wonderful dream to have, Angela sent it to you I'm sure.

Love Sue xxx

Thinking of you and your family today Frances.What a wonderful dream to have, Angela sent it to you I'm sure.

Love Sue xxx
thinking of you frances and sending you and your family much love

Dear Frances

Sending love and compassion to you and your family today.

Love Megx

Frances, I hope the anniversary was ok yesterday. Xx (lovely newly bereaved mum)

Love to all your family, and to Angela,
Thinking of you,

To the most loveliest and compassionate of people - Mike ; Frances Speakman thinking if you both today on Beautiful Angela's anniversary . My candle is lit already ; I'm sending you all my love ; prayers Funda ‚¬ ¦. Xxx

David Edwards.. Angela is never far from our thoughts Claire, can't believe it's been 8 years already. x

Catherine Sweeney thinking of you dear xxxxxall our love and wishes are always with you at this difficult time xxxx
Yesterday at 01:10·

Kirsty Connolly Angela was so beautiful, knowing she has gone is just so sad - thinking of you all x

Jonathan Bowd always in our thoughts, always.

Samantha Messer Sending you love and thinking of Angela x x

Anne Martin you are both in my thoughts such a beautiful and graceful ladyxxx missed by manyxxx

Rob Murphy Hi Claire, thinking of you 2. I remember the do you had for your sis in Bethnal Green ; I can still picture her down the Biz in Tooley St

Watford Mod Chris thinking of you Claire, Angela is smiling at us all from the sky and is sorely missed, the happy times are treasured xx

Mark Welch RIP Anglea , thinking you Claire ; family

Dear Frances and Mike, so hard to believe that you have arrived at 8 years without your gorgeous daughter, so much has happened in the interim and you have always shared a great deal of your journey. I will always remember meeting you in brighton and all you did to achieve the angel statue restoration, also your support for both my charity efforts and for Stella s. Sending you much love and light, andrea xxx

Andy Hynd a lovely lady with a big smile, sorely missed...xxxx
Added: March 8, 2011 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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