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Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mum
From: Home
Added: June 16, 2021 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Frances & Mike
From: Home
Paula Binni
Angela was such a special person. We will always think of her. 💞
Alison Bilsland Bratton
♥️♥️♥️ x
Gill Hartley
Thinking of you all and your beloved Angela. 💞💙🕯🌻Xxxx
Catherine Wood
Totally get that Frances, 9 years, could be a thousand but still seems like yesterday. Remembering your beautiful ❤ Angela ❤
Anne Logan Huxtable
Thinking of beautiful Angela xxx Hugs xxx
· Janis McCafferty
Thinking of you all Frances, and your lovely Angela. xx
· Louise Bolton
Thinking of you all and sending my love. I'm thankful for having your friendship, but wish it hadn't been in such sad circumstances. 💖Angela💖 xxxx
· Terri Marie
Beautiful ❤️
Donald Plant
(((((((((((((( Frances )))))))))))))) from your fellow travellers xx
· Sheila Roberts
Louise Lea
❤️ much love to you both xxxx
· Maria Prior
Beautiful girl so missed xxx
· Candice Marie
Thinking of you all and your beautiful Angela xx
Alan Lee
My best wishes and kind thoughts to you and your family, Frances. X
· Dorothy Wright
The years don't change the 'missing' Frances xxx
Tanya Jayne
Thinking of you both❤️ xx
Maggie Hancock
Sending Our Love to you all xx
Val Walton
Sending love to you all Frances and thinking especially of your beautiful Angela ❤ xxx
Frances Martin
Unbelievable that all these years have passed. Thinking of you and Mike with love and understanding xx
Karen Dean
I can't begin to imagine your pain, Francis and Mike, but we send you our love. Xx
Jane Samuel Chapman
Love n bug hugs xxx
Samantha Moss
Time is a strange thing. It doesn’t help much does it. Lots of love to you all Frances and thinking of you. Xxx
· Jane Davies
Your beautiful girl xxxx
· Jill Dewsbury
Sometimes it just feels more poignant than at other times although the loss is constant. Sending
Jane Rock
Seventeen years, so sorry for your great loss Frances.. Such lovely photographs. xxx
Dru Suth
Shirley Ling
Beautiful girl love to you Frances Speakman 💔
· Kim Hall
She was a lovely girl, taken too soon
Becky Jay
Sending love to you and thinking of your clever, beautiful girl x
· Bridget Eley
Dear Frances & Mike, sending you our love on Angela’s anniversary today xx
· Deborah Wright
The longing to see our dead children is unbearable thinking of you and Mike xxxxxDeborah
Yvonne Stamp
So many sad years, our thoughts are with you all today xx
· Diane Piuk
Lynn Kelly
Sending you love and hugs and thinking of your beautiful Angela xxx

Juli Round
Thinking of you Frances xx
Margaret Hardy
ANGELA. Precious memories.
Carolyn Mayling
Thinking of you and sending rainbowsxxx
· Lynn Douglas

Christine Crawford
Sending love and hugs. Thinking of you and your precious Angela. Xxx
Maria Window
Sending love to you all 💕💕💕
Jackie Butcher
Sending our love to you Frances and Mike thinking of you on this day xx
Jacqui Pollock
Thinking of you xx
Elaine Dennis
Jill Perry
25 years for me this year, feels like yesterday, an ache in my heart that never goes away xx
Funda Royer
Frances and Mike, Julia and Claire much love to you all . Beautiful Angela forever remembered xxxx
Julia Searson

· Carole Lauderdale
Heaven gained a beautiful angel Xx
· Jaki Ivins
Your beautiful Angela 💜💜💜💜
· Roseanne Louise
Beautiful Angel. Thinking of you all x
Added: December 5, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mum and Dad
From: Home
Another Decade...

What can we say... just the same... missing you as much as ever Angela xxx

We send another million kisses and love from us and all the family and your many, many friends xxx
Added: January 1, 2020 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: -Angela's Mum and Dad
Please stop putting rubbish messages on this site'

this is a MEMORIAL SITE FOR OUR DAUGHTER please respect..
Added: June 6, 2017 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:

Jaki Ivins xxxxx

Davina Adlem Beautiful, precious and way too young xxxxxxx thinking of you all xxxxx

Bridget Eley Thinking of you Frances ; Mike and family on your beautiful Angela's anniversary xx

Jane Davies xxxxxx

Janis McCafferty Thinking of you today Frances and Mike on Angela's Anniversary. xx

Helene Iaccarino Thinking of you and Angela xx

Juli Round Sending love and thinking of you all xxx

Valerie Newton Beautiful girl. X

Dorothy Wright Sending special thoughts to you as you remember your precious Angela

Elaine Dennis thinking of you this photo so beautiful

Margaret Hardy
Love this picture. Angel ANGELA.

Paula Binni Just watching The Dark Crystal. I remember Angela loved it. X

Kay Dean Much love to you both. Xxxx

Ruth Clark Thinking of you at this time xxx

Jaki Ivins xxxxxx

Louise Arnott Xxx

Evie Ekins Rememberingy our precious girl. xx
and much love to you ; Mike,Frances xx


Louise Gallagher Bolton Lots of love to all of you. xxx

Lynn Kelly Thinking of you all and your beautiful Angela. Love and hugs xxx

Maureen Chudley Thinking of beautiful Angela and all your family. Love to you
all. Xxx

Davina Adlem Thinking of you all and your precious Angela xxx

Shirley Ling It never gets easier my thoughts are with you and your beautiful
Angela x

Jackie Butcher Sending our love to you, Mike and all the family xx Somehow the world keeps turning my friend but the pain doesn't leave us. thinking of Angela

Roseanne Louise Taylor Thinking of you all and your beautiful Angela xx

Catherine Owen Was Ross Thinking of you all today xxx

Christine Crawford Sending love to you and Mike. Thinking of your darling Angela. Xxx xxx

Yvonne Stamp Remembering your lovely Angela, sending love to you all today xxx

Anne Logan Huxtable Thinking of you today and your beautiful Angela. Hugs xxx

Valerie Newton Love to you all X

Bernie Flynn Beautiful Angela. Thinking of you all xxx

Alison Bratton thinking of you all and remembering the beautiful Angela always Angela Forever

Jane Rock Such a beautiful girl. Another sad anniversary. love to all, Jane xx

Heather Costello That's a beautiful tribute Frances remembering your beautiful Angela xxx

Jane Samuel Chapman big hugs xxx

Christine Crawford A beautiful tribute to a wonderful daughter. ((((((((Angela))))))))). Xxx xxx

Terry Smith Thinking of you Francis and Mike, rest in peace Angela

Maggie Hancock Never to be Forgotten , loved by so many. XX

Thin White Rachelle Angela shines on forever xx

Jill Dewsbury A sad day, France's, but she is in your heart forever. Xx

Tracey O'Mara Thoughts are with you all x

Margaret Hardy Thinking of you and your family Frances, and of course the amazing ANGELA.
Always remembered.

Terri Crossland thinking of you all today with love and compassion xx

Val Walton Thinking of you all today Frances, and especially your beautiful Angela. Sending love xxx

Margaret Godden Love to you both xxxxx

June Ellis Our thoughts are with you all today, Frances xx

Sue Hepburn Thinking of you and your family today xx

Jaki Ivins Sending my love to you dear Frances and your family and thinking of your dearest Angela xxxxx

Helen Fouracrexxx

Paula Skinner Remembering your lovely girl today Frances and Mike xxxx

Gary Skinner ((((Mum Angela Dad))))

Paula Binni Sending all my love to you all. X

Funda Royer Beautiful Angela. Thinking of you all . Xx

Jane Wood Thinking of yo

Carole Lauderdale (((((hugs))))) Xxx

Deborah Wright a big hug from me xxxxx Warrens mum

Andrea Corrie thinking of you all xx

Samantha Moss Lovely words Francis. What a beautiful talented young lady. Love to you all xxxx

Jacqui Pollock Thinking of you all Frances xxxx

Lynn Felstead Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Frances Martin Thinking of you and Mike ; sending love and understanding xx

Russell Cook Thinking of you xx

Thinking of you today and your beautiful daughter Angela. With love and understanding. Xx Candice Marie
Added: March 5, 2016 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Messages from Friends, Family ; TCF for Angela -12th Anniversary
28th Feb. 2015

... for a beautiful girl, much missed x
Love to you ; Mike from us both xx Evie Ekins

Remembering Angela always ......thinking of you all x Alison Bratton

Your beautiful angel, Angela x love Bridget

Such a beautiful woman . Never forgotten xxx love Funda

Beautiful Angela I still imagine that she is sharing her wisdom with our younger children now x Roseanne

Loved and missed forever. Lots of love to you and Mike Frances xxx from Jannet Mathers

Dear Frances and Mike much love to your three beautiful daughters XXXXX love Jo Thomas

Thinking of you all today xxx Anne Logan Huxtable

Big hugs to all of you. X Valerie Newton

Our thoughts will be with you all xx love June Ellis

Sleep well sweet child....................................x Donald Plant

(((Angela and Frances))) xxx Heather Costello

Thinking of you as always Frances Terri Cross land x

Another year, another rainbow xxx Carolyn Mayling

Love to you all as we all think of Angela xxx
Louise Gallagher Bolton ..

Thinking of you Frances Speakman and beautiful Angela x
Love ..Shirley Ling

Thinking of you and your beautiful Angela. Xx love Carolyn Lumby

Thinking of you all and your lovely Angela xx
Julia Round

Love and hugs to you both xxx love Lynn Kelly

Thinking about your beautiful Angela and her family
Love to you all Roseanne x

Sending love to you all Frances and Mike as another anniversary comes around xx
Jackie Butcher

Thinking of you all and your beautiful Angela. Much love xxx GILL HARTLEY

Thinking of you both. Stay strong, love Warren and Mel xx

Beautiful Diane Piuk

Thoughts will be with you as ever Frances - with love and understanding xx
Frances Martin - from FRANCE

Thinking of you today Frances, sending love and hugs. Xx Janis McCafferty

Thinking of you and your gorgeous girl Angela xxx
Maria Prior

Hugs xx Louise Palmer

Remembering beautiful Angela ; a big big hug for her love Catherine Wood

Special thoughts of beautiful Angela. love Jane xx (ROCK)

Thinking of you Frances and Mike on this difficult day Angela -anniversary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEB. Wright

Thinking of you and your beautiful Angela xxxx love Davina Adlem

Thinking of you all. 12 years, it doesn't seem possible. So near and yet so far. Go gently xxxx love Andrea Corrie

Thinking of you and your beautiful Angela. So awful------Anne Constable

Sending Love to all ; Gorgeous Angela. Maggie Hancock xx

Beautiful Angela xx Val Walton

Sending my thoughts to you ; your family Frances These anniversaries are always painful xxx Dorothy Wright xxx

Dear Frances and Mike, thinking today of your very dear Angela and sending our love xxxxx Jaki Ivins

We will light a candle for your beautiful bright Angela tonight xx Bridget..

Sending love. Xxx Christine Crawford

Our thoughts x DAVID HARRIS

“Sending our love your way Frances and Mike. Xxx Sam Moss Xxx

Caring thoughts. X Christine Wells X
Our thoughts are with you Love Elaine Dennis x

Thinking of you all today x Russell Cook

Muriel Vogelsang sending you hugs xx

Thinking of you all. I can't believe how quickly these years have gone. I still think of Angels often. She will never leave us while she is still in so many peoples' hearts. Paula Binni Xxx

Thinking of you and your beautiful daughter Angela. Sending you love and hugs Frances xx from Maria Nicholas xx

Sending love to you as you remember your precious, unforgettable Angela, such a loss to the world ; your family xxx Yvonne Stamp

Thinking of you both Frances and Mike and sending love.
Tonight I'll light a candle for your beautiful Angela xxx Val Walton

Sending (((((hugs))))) on this sad day, sweet memories of your sweet girl will help you through today xxx
Carol Lauderdale

Candle burning brightly here for your precious daughter on this sad day.
Tricia Donaldson x

A lovely tribute to a beautiful girl. Well done family and your friends. thinking of you Tony.

"Thinking of you. Xxx Drusilla Sutherland

Love to you all as you remember your beautiful ANGELA today.
My thoughts are with you all. X X X Margaret Hardy
Added: March 15, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mum and Dad
Another Anniversary, another year gone by..

So many friends, family have sent beautiful messages Angela Remembering you.. I'll post some on here later..

We all raised a glass to you at Lunch after laying flowers at the cemetery..

God bless xxxxx
Added: March 1, 2015 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Karen, Alan and Katy
Dear Frances and Mike, I just wanted to let you know that I was rooting through some old stuff a couple of weeks ago and found a letter from Angela after she had just gone to Manchester uni - it really made me smile as it was a surprise out of the blue. It really reminded me of her and made me chuckle - with her 'old fashioned' turn of phrase she sometimes used. Angela always made me smile - just wanted to let you she is still thought of in our house xxxx
Added: April 2, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Mark Sessions
From: Galway, Ireland
My thoughts are with your family today,

Added: February 28, 2014 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: yvonne
From: Reading
Just spent some time this boxing day reading once again about your precious Angela and wanted you to know that I am thinking of you this Christmas time, love to you all xxx
Added: December 26, 2013 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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