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Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Christine
Frances and Mike, this is a beautiful website in honour of your lovely daughter Angela who was taken far too soon. It's incomprehensible why such a terrible tragedy should happen to someone who had so much to give and had already given so much.

Maybe one day we will know the answer as to why we had to suffer the loss of our children but for now we can only take one day at a time and treasure all the times we spent together. Thank you for sharing this lovely tribute with me. Love Christine
Added: 02 December 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Jill Dewsbury
I also read your beautiful tribute to your so dearly loved Angela with tears in my eyes.

From someone who did not know Angela but came into contact with her parents since she passed away, I know how much she was loved, missed and how much her family has gone through since she left our world.

I know her family are the kindest people and she was blessed to have them for the few short years she had on this earth.

Sleep well Angela, your family have done you proud and will keep your memory alive on this tribute made with all the love in the world.

With love, from Jill and her also beloved daughter Joanne, bless you both.
Added: 01 December 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Gazza (TCF)
I am wading through Angela's beautiful tribute, but struggle so desperately, there are just not enough tissues in this box!! Not only does it portray her staggering beauty but signifies her love for life. Her talents are not only remarkable to the eye, she has managed to stimulate my emotions to an extent that I don't know weather to laugh or cry! I can feel her personality and hear her sense of humour shouting out at me from the pages.

Oh Frances how, why on earth........

I love 'Zak's Zoot Scoot'!!! (Even though I was a Rocker....... )

So very, very beautiful, so very, very wrong. Thank you both for sharing your world with us...........x

(((((Frances Angela Mike)))))

Added: 28th November 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Brian Chinnery
Dear Frances and Mike.

After reading the recorder I logged on to you're web page. What an incredible tribute you and Mike have created to an obviously much loved daughter, sister and friend to so many. You must be immensely proud of her achievements as I am sure she is of you with you're tribute to her. .

All the Best. Brian
Added: 17th November 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Jan Andersen
I never had the privilege of meeting Angela, but already have a wonderful insight into the person that she was, not only from you Frances ; Mike, but via this beautiful website. You have given the whole world the opportunity to share in the life of your daughter and created a permanent memory book right here for her. How lucky we are to have the Internet. With much love to you, Jan XXX
Added: 7th November 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Jackie
Dearest Angela, I never got to meet you but I know so much about you. I have shared such lovely meals with your mum and dad where you have been spoken about with such love in their hearts. Your website is outstanding, but then how could it not be. Rest easy sweetheart xxxx
Added: 4th November 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Muriel Vogelsang TCF
To a wonderful lady who achieved so much in her life, and was such an inspiration to others.

I wish I had the chance to get to know you.

Watch over your Mum, Dad and Family.

All my love Muriel x
Added: 4th November 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Mitchell Mann
I never knew Angela and sadly never will. I picked up the Ilford Recorder this evening and was stopped by a very moving memorium with a link to this site.

I've spent the past hour on the site, totally consumed by the life that was Angela and overwhelmed by the love of her friends and family.

I'm so sorry for your tragic loss.

My thoughts and sympathy are with you.

So young, so beautiful, so talented, intelligent, loving and loved. This life just doesn't seem to make sense sometimes.

Mitch x
Added: June 28, 2008 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
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Name: Maggie ; Paul
A wonderful tribute to an ANGELa gone too soon.Her Spirit IS with you EVERY Day
Added: 2 November 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  
Tribute Submitted by Comments:
Name: Maureen and Phil Cooper
What a beautiful website so very touching and the music is just so unforgetable like your beautiful daughter ANGELA thinking of you always and your precious Angela God Bless to you our dear friends..........xx
Added: 1st November, 2007 Delete this entry  Reply to entry  View IP address  

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